+91 (02642) 247001, 247002|CIN Number - L24110GJ1976PLC002903
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO 50001 Certified Company
Products & Services
Since inception, GNFC has worked towards an extensive growth as a corporation.
A growth which respects the environment and springs from the progressive vision of GNFC.
GNFC started fertilizer manufacturing and marketing operations by setting up in 1982, one of the worlds largest single-stream ammonia-urea fertilizer complexes.
GNFC has kept pace with changing times and its vision is always focused on growth. Even as the Company was implementing its fertilizer complex, plans were underway for expansion and diversification in related areas.
Our objective is to show a CSR model profitable to both Society and Corporates. We take development as our moral obligation to earn social capital.
(n)Code Solutions offers Digital Certificates that can integrate with applications such as emails, workflow, enterprise wide applications, or secure VPNs.