GNFC CSR Wing Narmadanagar Rural Development Society
P.O.: Narmadanagar – 392 015. District: Bharuch, Gujarat, INDIA.

Our objective is to show a CSR model profitable to both Society and Corporates. We take development as our moral obligation to earn social capital. We are working with our people, giving best of our efforts, in hope to live up to the hope of people.

We neither involved in philanthropy nor in strategically planned donation. We participate with society, engage with and contribute.

We aim to increase the reach and improve the quality of education, health care, rural infrastructure sanitation and self-employment generation, Vocational skills, relief during disaster, empowerment of women and youth, environment sustainability, protection and development of national heritage, art culture, public libraries.

We believe that our corporate strategy is inspired by the opportunity to contribute to a more secured and sustainable future.