Tissue Culture & Soil/Water Analysis Activity

The company has a well equipped Soil Testing Laboratory having analysis capacity of 30,000 soil and water samples per year to help the farmers economize on use of fertilizers. To provide the better quality of planting material to Banana growers, company had established “State of the Art” Tissue Culture Laboratory in the year 2005 with a production capacity of 10 Lacs Banana Tissue culture plants per annum. Now with the increased demand for GNFC Banana tissue Culture plants among farming community, the company is establishing additional unit of Tissue Culture Laboratory taking combined capacity to 20 Lacs TCPs per annum. Besides GNFC is all prepared to supply best quality Date Palm Tissue Culture Plants. Establishment of Date Palm TCPs is arranged by obtaining Technology from Anand Agricultural University.

In line with the specific needs and development of improved farm technology, GNFC continues to reorient its efforts towards customer satisfaction with a view that “When farmers Prosper, We prosper”.

For further enquiry, advisory and booking of Tissue culture plants please contact

Mr. G. Rajendran
Chief Manager
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited
P.O. Narmadanagar – 392015
Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India.
Phone : +91 (02642) 203675, 202950
Mr. S. V. Patel
Senior Marketing Manager
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited
P.O. Narmadanagar – 392015
Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India.
Phone : +91 (02642) 202957. 202958